How Eye Found ME?!

A Talented high energy Musical Entertainer that people pleased her whole life, with so many WALLS up eye wore a smile when eye wanted to Cry. After over 20 years of Internalizing, not speaking up for myself, depression, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, & pretending to Love Myself, Eye decided eye wasn’t happy & needed to grow WITHIN. But how?! Eye didn’t even know how to recognize my True Voice as all the Mind Clutter kept me from living my truth. Eye became a yoga teacher & life coach in 2018. That year of school changed my life because eye had to sit with the 1-person eye had been avoiding for 30yrs… ME! It was a battle but a very loving one, eye learned patience, compassion, UNconditional Love for All parts of myself (even the insecurities)!! Now it’s my passion to help others gain awareness of Self so that the Cells can heal as eye have also cured myself of Dis-eases simply with BREATH, MOVEMENT & Mindful Eating! Over the past 5years eye have assisted over 300 souls into better loving themselves & excited to share all the NEW Methods eye have learned! There’s sooo much more eye have to share with you but you will have to join the InnerG Club for Exclusive Personal Storys. See you WITHIN!

What People Are Saying?!

Motivation comes from within & Eye’m here to help you activate it.

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TEXT ME NOW: (602)580-5551 LETS GROW